Saturday, July 23, 2011


Lets look at this on the bright side, all before 9:00 am on a Saturday morning I managed to flood half of our house and make the house keeper upset!
Now that is what you call talent!

We have large blue bins in our bathrooms for when the water isn't working. We pour water from that bucket into the toilet to flush it. This water can also be used for heating up for baths and washing.
Anyway our water has been off more days then it has been on in the last 3ish weeks and this morning I noticed that the barrel was running low so I stuck the shower head inside turned on the water and proceeded on with my morning. About 1 hour later I needed to head into my room to change out of pj's and walked water half way up my toes covering all 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and our hallway!
Hee hee Oops!

Well our house keep had been sitting with the guards at this point for about 20 minutes so I was crossing my fingers that she would stay out and I could get it clean up. One hour and 7 towels that I had to wring out and re-use a bunch it was semi passable. I was just thankful that our house keeper at that point had taken an hour ish long break.
Well she walked in and headed straight for the hallway with a broom to stop dead in her tracks.
At this point I had hung my head in shame and tried to be invisible.
As soon as she walk into the hallway she stopped dead in her tracks let out a sigh and headed out to talk to the guards.
One word...... BUSTED !

1 comment:

Charis said...


Ok! Ok! *wipes teary face* I can just picture ......


Stupid white people can't even run a shower! I can picture the head shake. :) you just made my week!