Friday, May 27, 2011

Water why............. who needs to shower?

Yup, you read it right we have no water! Our water stopped working this morning will be probably remain off until Monday some time. Everyone that I joked about living in a mud hut and wearing a loin cloth stop laughing! Man, it seems like I am heading in that direction........... okay it is not nearly that bad.
Had a good day today, it was hot and sunny. Sun is one of those things that we have not seen a lot of up until today, most days have been cloudy and humid. Spent a good portion of the day playing soccer with Emmanuel in the backyard, while Micah followed NeNe ( our housekeeper) around the backyard picking eggplant and manioc leaves ( which we ate for supper).
I will hopefully post pictures tomorrow, a little to tired to walk over to the table and get the camera.
We also experienced our first African thunderstorm, it is incredible. They seem so close, the energy is pure power, the lightening is bright and the thunder at times can be deafening. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before, it is almost impossible to actually describe properly.

** wait a second, I can't believe I forgot this story**
Yesterday was a huge day for us, we went into the city center of Kinshasa which is absolutely massive. We also went to TASOK, where are kids will be attending school in the fall. It is unbelievably beautiful, they have everything there, swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis, beach volleyball, etc. It is also one of the places I will be teaching ( fitness classes) come fall.
While we were shopping at the malls in the city I was getting down right frustrated........ okay first true or false Do I (Mel) hate shopping? Post your answer in the comment section and I will give you a round of applause............. hey, it's very hard to mail anything from here! :)
Anyhoo, we were at the mall after a very long day and Emmanuel and Micah said they needed to use the bathroom, okay off we went. After walking into the bathroom I realized this man was staring at us and through the process of elimination I came to the conclusion that you need to pay to use the bathroom, 450 Congo Francs later we were moving in the right direction. This man then follows me into the women's bathroom trying to get my attention. After my VERY BROKEN french explanation that I spoke little french I realized that you don't pay to use the bathroom you pay for the toilet paper. After thanking him over and over we were able to finish our business. By the way, Evan just heard the whole story now and was killing himself laughing.... I am good at being the brunt of jokes around here.
So much more to say but not tonight, I am going to relax and watch a movie.
Tomorrow night I will fill you in on a lizard friend who we are starting to call Darth Vader, and hopefully a bunch of pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha....oh my so true how you hate shopping. That is so funny, so now you need to bring your own tp with you when you go out ;) be careful though someone may try and steal your tp from you and you wouldn't want that :0)

Mom said...

An African Thunderstorm. hmmm I cant imagine. sounds like the bathroom experience was quite an eye opener. I'm sure there will be more! Keep on sharing! ttys