Tuesday, May 17, 2011

T- 5 days and counting

First thing's first; the title makes me feel like I am part of the show on TLC "a million kids and counting"!

Welcome to our blog, we will see how strong our marriage is after writing a blog together. One thing you will very quickly come to realize is that I could care less about punctuation and Evan is a little high strung when it comes to grammar! Oh well!
Apparently the new deal (which was just discovered right now) is I write and Evan proof reads...... over my shoulder!

We are sitting at 5 days away from jumping on the airplane and starting our 24 hour travel journey............. whoo hoo!
Post coming soon about why we decided to go, how we are feeling and a basic update!

Welcome to our crazily overwhelming journey.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love how you two are going to blog your adventure!! I can't wait to use some really bad grammar to annoy Evan :)

LeRoy said...

Looking forward to keeping more up-to-date with your family's life through here:) All the best!!

Steve said...

Way to go, guys. Really cool. Looking forward to seeing photos.

Megan Christine said...

I'm so pumped! This is so exciting. If you're interested, I did blog while I was there. Somehow, the formatting on my blog page is really messed up, and multiple posts show up next to each other, but if you start by selecting dates (I think the first couple were in April 2009), you can work your way up. Of course you won't have time to read any of it before you leave, but it's there if you're interested after you settle in a bit in the GBE compound:) http://meganalardcongo.blogspot.com

On another note, I hope you might have a couple of seconds over the next couple of evenings to have a quick chat! I'll give you a ring.