Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maybe today is the day......................

that I can poop!
For everyone who travels you know exactly what I am talking about.......... enough said!

SO, I think a couple post back I gave Kinshasa a bad rap, I need to clarify. We went through the poor part of Kinshasa and that was hard to swallow but today we went to a huge market and were able to do some grocery shopping, go out for ice cream and the kids played in a huge play area. Apparently there is so much more to see yet, we are heading downtown tomorrow morning where we will be doing some shopping and I will be meeting the lady who runs the physiotherapy clinic where I will be teaching come next week.
One thing that has hit me hard these last two days is the fact that most of these people are so poor but they are always dressed so well............ I mean better then I dress but for those of you who know me that might not say much, I am the queen of jeans, t-shirts and flip-flop. Make that jean shorts, tank tops and flip-flops ( out here)!
Speaking of shorts it was so nice outside today, just standing in the backyard I was sweating profusely.....It was awesome! I may sweat a lot but I love hot weather! We are now entering cool season so our temperatures will be ranging from 20-30 ish.
What else??????
Time change is a bitch ( pardon my language). It is 1:09 am our time and my entire family is still up, it is hard to know you have been up most of the day and you should have been in bed hours ago but it still feels like we should be eating supper at the same time super confusing!The upside is I have more time to blog and I am eating a coconut with my hubby that is from a tree in our backyard!
Okay, here come more pics.

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