Sunday, September 4, 2011

When is it enough?

Some times I wonder if we are exposing our kids to to much?
I know TV has it all, the radio, magizines and lets not forget the other kids at school!

I have had a pretty sleepless night with this thought running through my head.

Here is where this thought is steming from ( I am not telling this to toot our own horn.... AT ALL!)

Yesterday we were driving home from TASOK and there was a group of about 5 individuals carrying a limp woman. We quickly stopped and picked them up, on the way to the hospital I took a glance to the back seat of the truck and notice a middle aged healthy looking woman who was completely unresponsive. I was looking for any type of movement..... there was nothing, I couldn't even detect if her chest was raising and falling.
Evan and I talked a little bit about it later and we were wondering if she was even alive!

This has me shaken, Micah cried at first but the kids have been abnormally silent aside from asking about heart attacks and if they are going to have one! YIKES!

Do they really need to see this stuff? hmmmmmmmmmmm!

1 comment:

Charis said...

Don't focus on the heart attack. Focus on being able to help. We often used our car as an ambulance when we were kids and even though it made us aware of the fragility of life it also made us aware of our impact on the world around us if we are kind and giving. Also what the consequences were if we closed ourselves off and lived in a bubble without opening up to those around us.