Thursday, September 22, 2011

My mom heart

I often wish that my kids will not have to experience certain things in life, I know that I can't stop it from happening but it often creeps into my mind.

Both my kids are struggling in school right now and I am not sure what exactly is happening or how to help them.
Emmanuel complains of stomach aches often, I will send him to school and tell him to go see the nurse if he is feeling worse and she will call me or come get me in my classroom. Emmanuel never goes because he is to scared to ask. Today I sent him to school with a stomach ache and he wasn't pretending. I told him again to go and see the nurse if he feels worse, I just ran into him at Art class and he came to me in tears saying that he needed to go home. I told him he would have to see the nurse whether I take him or he asks his teacher..... not sure what he will do because I had to leave for a meeting.
Emmanuel has friends, he plays soccer, karate and doesn't find the school work to hard yet..... I can't figure out what is causing all the stomach aches before school and he says nothing is wrong!

Micah............ my social butterfly has almost stopped flying!
Micah is the kind of girl who will not stick to one group of friends, she moves from group to group all the time. The girls in her class have stopped playing with her and they do not let her join in at all when she asks. This is breaking her heart and she is starting to withdraw a little. Micah has made one best friend, this little boy named James. He is so cute and writes Micah these little notes saying how he missed her at home. Well the girls are calling James Micah's boyfriend so now she doesn't want to hang out with him either. I make sure to reminder her that having a boy that is a friend is AWESOME!

It is so hard to see your kids struggle, I wish I could fix it! I know I can't and all I can so is guide them but it would be nice to rush on a "fix" the problem.


Anonymous said...

Me heart is breaking right now hearing the struggles that the kids are going through. Give them a big hug from me and an extra big hug to you Mel.

Cheryl said...

What Anita just said........
A big huge hug for all of you Mel. I can only imagine how much this must be hurting you XOXOXO

Evan and Mel said...

Thanks for the hugs Cheryl and Anita, we all felt them and needed them. Things seems to be looking up a little, I had a talk with Micah's teacher wh then talked to all the girls about playing together. Also Emmanuels stomach aches have seemed to ease up a little bit.