Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We have now been in our new house for just over a week...... what a long week it has been! I love the fact that we are closer to TASOK, it is so nice to be able to walk to and from school in about 15 mins. We are right now just trying to get everything fixed and up to livable standards..... I guess they are livable just not comfortable.
Some of the things we are working on are getting electricity to work more consistently, getting electricity to work PERIOD in half of the house, get water to run at more than a trickle when it is running, getting water to run more than 10% of the time, getting hot water, fixing the tiles in the house and a bunch of other stuff! We have no internet at our house and I am not sure when it is going to come so bear with us if posts are a lot less for the next 2 -3 weeks or so. I will need to write them at work for the time being.
Our pool is in the process of being fixed right now and we are crossing our fingers that it will be done and ready to swim in at the end of this week. The pool is going to be awesome; the weather is definitely changing around here.... it is getting a little hotter. Yesterday morning I went for a run at 8:00 am with another teacher and then sun’s rays were beating pretty strong already. Oh I almost forgot we have had one or two days of almost blue sky! We can see some blue starting to poke through the clouds! Yesterday got up to +32 so the heat is slowly starting to come!

Here are a couple little tid-bits for you

- Evan and I figured out that we have been at the hospital ( for medical treatment) 24 times in the last 3 months and 3 weeks! Not a great average!

- between the 4 of us we have had 5 staf infections. The one I got almost 2 months ago still bothers me on a daily bases.

- Emmanuel and Micah have started to feel a little more comfortable speaking french to strangers. They may only say 1 or 2 words but it is a start!

- I just remembered that I have some AWESOME to blog about but forget what the topic was..... I will have to ask Evan tonight!

Okay, I've got to get back to work !

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