Monday, September 26, 2011

I think I have fallen in love................

..........with African rain storms! They are unbelievably incredible.... almost like nothing I have experienced before! The rain falls fast and hard, not really letting up for the duration of the storm, it gets dark and windy quickly. I don't think I even have the words to describe it, next storm I will hopefully remember to take my camera out and take a couple picture ( it is time to get some pictures of the blog).
Last week I was training the soccer and swim team and during our training session the rain hit.... I sent my teams running laps in the rain and yes I run with them! We had to end up canceling practice due to the raining falling to hard. That same day I went running with Maggie and we thought we would be fine to run amongst the trees...... we were soaked within a minute and then the thunder and lightening hit. Lightening strikes are common in Kinshasa due to the high mineral count in the ground. We were not just running to work out we were running for cover!

Good times!

The sound of the storm is also amazing, it is so loud on the tin roof. It is almost like you can hear the individual rain drops! The last storm we had Emmanuel was counting the between the clap of thunder and bolt of lightening, there were many times that he didn't finish saying 1!

Hopefully more updates will start happening, still no internet at home, trying to work out all the electricity and water issues as well. We have also been dealing with sickness in our home, I have been sick for a week already and Micah was fighting what I think was a migraine this weekend. Fingers crossed we get better soon!


Mom said...

i'm guessing the storms there show God's handiwork and power. Enjoy my daughter! i'm praying for healing in your home> Love you Tons!

Evan and Mel said...

Thanks mom
Love you too!