Thursday, October 27, 2011


Our house over the last 6ish weeks has been filled with sickness! Everyone of us has caught something in that time, I held on to something for most of that time!
It all started with getting what I thought was the stomach flu, I felt great as long as no food was in my stomach but as soon as I tried to eat anything I was running to the bathroom! On week 2 I was able to start stomaching small things like watermelon and rice cakes! I am so much better now but my stomach hasn't fully recovered and it still tends to shout at me when it is unhappy! This last weekend just as things really started to look up I was hit by a sinus infection! I have never had one in my life and let me just tell you they are NOT fun! Still fighting that at the moment.
The kids have also been sick in this time frame, mostly on and off with weird stomach things! I honestly think we all have some weird parasite or something!
This last weekend Evan also started to get sick. He was hit by fever, chills, no energy, sore throat, headache and nausea! At one point we were both lying in bed trying to convince to other one to call in sick and take the day off! We both ended up going into work because that is just how we roll!
Evan found out yesterday that he actually has Malaria, the first one in our family! There should be a medal for that........... hmmmmm!

Hoping that November is a month of health for our family and hopefully some relaxing weekends as well!


Anonymous said...

We went to Zambia in April and I went to a naturopathic doctor before we left and got some drops that were anti-parasite. We were only there for a month but it seemed to keep all the bugs away, and we even ate questionable food.
Something you might want to look into when your home for Christmas.


Kristin Shyla said...

I am so sorry! I know how bad the stomach pain feels- and running to the potty! yikes!!
You are an amazing woman and you have an amazing family-super rad!