Monday, October 24, 2011

The Schellenbergs ......... wait who?

Apparently I have become so very slack on the whole blogging thing! Oops!
We are busy people, I had no ideas how little time we have when both Evan and I work full time, the kids are in school and after school programs, our house is a job site, meals to prepare and I don't have an and..... we are just busy!
The hardest fact to swallow is I don't have to clean my house or do our families laundry! Working moms my hat goes off to you!

Here is a very random update on our lives and I am guessing I will forget things but that just means more juicy details for a future post!
- Our regular house keeper had to go in for surgery and was taking 3 weeks off for healing and rest. On the first day the substitute house cleaner was here on her own she bleach about half of our clothes! Out of 4 black tank tops I now have 3 tie die tanks tops and 1 black one! I had almost all my work shirt ruined, 1 of Evan's work shirts, a couple t-shirts of Emmanuel and Micah's and almost all of our underwear ( underwear doesn't really matter though).

- Our house has been a job site for 7 LONG weeks, we just got hot water, okay running water last week and it is still touch and go! I took 1 shower and Evan's parents place in that 7 weeks.... how I missed showers! Bathing when you need to haul the water and boil it so it is hot is so much work I often ended up sponge bathing in cold water!
Tiles are half finished and electrical is coming along! Hopefully this next week our pool will be up and running and our washing machine will be operable again!

- I am not walking to work by myself anymore! A couple weeks ago and man started to show up on the corner of the street where the kids and I turn towards school. He would yell at my and get all worked up, I didn't think much of it until one day he grabbed my arm and spun me around as I walked by! The kids and I now walk with the guard!
Unfortunately it is another way that it feels like I have lost some of my freedom but I am trying to embrace and accept!

- Evan's work is busy and keeps him very preoccupied! I can't complain because mine does as well!

- We return to Calgary for Christmas holidays in approximately 8 weeks! WHOO HOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I will think of more to update a little later............. hopefully ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

8 weeks!!!!!!!