Tuesday, November 1, 2011

growing up

Huge news in our house, Micah lost her first tooth!
Ironically it wasn't her tooth that was loose it was the one beside it! Last weekend Emmanuel and Micah were running around the house with the mop! Emmanuel decided to swing it around and it smacked Micah in the mouth, resulting in a cut lip and a very loose tooth! A couple days later it came out still very attached to half the root! You could see where it was broken off!
Thankfully Micah's lip didn't need stitches and she is as cute as ever with a gap in the front of her mouth! Now if the tooth that is actually loose would fall out!

Hopefully I can post pictures when we find the cord for our camera to upload them!

1 comment:

Kristin Shyla said...

This makes me laugh. Just knowing your family! I can see this happening.