Friday, July 1, 2011


A couple weeks ago we went to a near by Village to hear stories about how the war and soldiers have impacted individuals lives in a negative way. we had the privileged of hearing stories from the teenage girl who were raped by soldiers and became pregnant. After sharing lunch with the girls and ladies who run the group that supports them we went to a near by military camp where the wives and family's of the soldiers live. A lot of these women are widows and these kids are without their fathers.
Not feeling a super heavy post tonight but I do want to share a couple pics with you.
Emmanuel and Micah were definitely a little unsure of the whole situation but it is very over whelming when so many kids are following you around and trying to push to get a little closer.
Over all it was a really good experience, one that I never thought that I would get to have but definitely one that I think Evan and I and our kid will not forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That first picture is amazing. Beautiful.

What an experience for the kids. I don't imagine they'll ever see the world the same after this.
