Thursday, February 9, 2012


I have many things that I would like to post on our blog including updates on our holidays spent in Canada with family and friends.
Due to some of the attention we have received on our blog I need to be careful what I say to respect my families privacy!
Please understand if the blog is fairly silent until Evan and I decide whether to make the blog private or not! If we do go ahead and make it private we will be giving everyone adequate notice before it happens.
With that being said does anyone know how to go about making a blog private? We would like to find out all information before we make our decision.

Please keep checking back, hoping to not leave you hanging to long!

1 comment:

CinnamonGirl said...

Pretty sure there's an option on your blog dashboard page that you can check to make the blog private, when people land on your page in the future the blog name will be there but you'll have to sign in to view it. You can always post something asking ppl to contact you if they want to be added to the approved viewers list

I've often thought of going private myself, but never wanted to lose readers, so I changed urls instead and asked readers to email me if they wanted to know the new website far it worked.