Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It has been so long since I blogged properly that I actually feel lost with what to say......................... hmmmmmmmmmm!

It has been an odd couple of weeks for us, the kids and I are settling into school and work routines and Evan's job is plugging along as normal. We may be settling into life on the outside but I have noticed that I am very unsettled! Does that make any sense?

As we are out in the DRC longer the tears for the most part have dried and we are trying to find our place in society. But the deep seeded unsettled feeling grows...... I actually can't explain it!
I know it will get better!

On to more pleasant topics!
Ginger is thriving and doing fantastic! She has probably doubled in size since we got her 2 weeks ago. She has incredible amounts of energy and the cutest face ( who ever thought they would hear me say that?). For the most part she has made a full recovery, physically she is doing well. For the most part all she deals with now is the scabs that are falling off from all the bugs that were living on her.
I was giving Ginger a bath a couple days after we got her and noticed that every time I ran water over her leg a bump moved...... ewwwww!
Ginger had 3 maggots living in her, one in her hind leg and two in her tail! I still shudder when I think about Evan popping them out.

Both Evan and I are healing from of leg infections, Evan is still dealing with an open wound but is improving and my leg has finally healed up after 5 LONG weeks!
Unfortunately Emmanuel got the same infection on his arm, thankful we didn't mess around and as soon as we thought that is what the bump was and not a mosquito bite we took him to the hospital. Emmanuel is on antibiotics and we have to do dressing changes at home but he does not need to be seen at the hospital and no lancing the infection! See, 3rd time we finally catch on that this isn't something you mess with..... we can be a little slow sometimes!

Sometime between the beginning and middle of Sept we are moving......... WOOT! Our new house is walking distance from TASOK and we will have our own pool! Instead of me getting up at 4:45 am and then getting the kids up at 5:30 we will be able to sleep in until 6:00-6:30am. That is going to feel heavenly!

What else can I say?


Natalie H said...

Things will get better and you will start feeling better. It's a hard move, but I'm sure things will change. Miss ya girl

Charis said...

I'm glad to hear you are moving. Hopefully your new house will allow you more time to have a social life and make new friends. That will help with that unsettled feeling. I had the same thing when we moved to Portage.