Monday, June 13, 2011


We have been living in Kinshasa for 21 days now but it feels like a life time! Seriously! ! ! ! ! ! !
Culture shock and language barrier are constantly with us, even heading into town for 2 hours leaves me so exhausted it takes all my will power to put one foot in front of the other!

Here is 21 tid-bits about life and Kinshasa

1. We have had sun for 2 days, hello dry season!

2. Amount of sunscreen we have used since arriving - Zero

3. Bug spray used - LOTS

4. Number of sun burns we have gotten - ZERO

5. 1 traditional Congolese meal including the caterpillars!

6. I have worked for 20 hours ( as a fitness instructor) since arriving

7. Pilates is the ONLY class anyone wants to take ............... groan!

8. 2 french lessons for Mel, Evan will start on Tuesday.

9. Days we have go swimming including the river - 4

10. Seeing your life flash before your eyes while driving - Countless!

11. Number of times we have done our own dishes - Zero! Don't hate us!

12. Evan is on his second full week of work since arriving.

13. Time of night Evan falls asleep - 9:30 pm

14. Time of night Mel falls asleep - 1:30 am

15. Number of Malaria pills our family has consumed- 88

16. Number of days the kids have been in bed by their proper bed time - Zero

17. Lizards are like mice here, seen on a daily bases!

18. We have already been to one formal Gala

19. Average temperature has been round +25 but cloudy!

20. Fresh fruit consumed daily!

21. Number of cat sized RATS living in our kitchen ( until tonight) - 1
I only wish I was kidding................. shudder!

I could probably think of many other tid-bits but that was 21 so I will stop there for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Evan & Mel,
I love your blog! What a great experience for you and the kids!
Praying for your family!

Karen Lissel