Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Count Down

Today I was chatting with one of my kids teachers about the end of the school year. It was brought to my attention that there is only 7.5 days left of school for my kids.

While the teacher is happy and is looking forward to being off work and having a break all I could think of is how many days until the kids and I leave for Africa.

We leave in 29 days....yeah you read it right 29 days!!!  Am I ready at all?
Well our passports are renewed, visas have been process but that is all!!!! I feel like I have done almost nothing to prepare for this move. Now, moving across the world is nothing like moving across the city.....when we moved the first time Evan was done working 4 weeks before our departure and both of us were preparing our family to leave.

This time it is only me getting my family ready, the house packed and cleaned, painting done, trying to squeeze as many play dates in for my kids as possible and I am working until July 16.
before anyone suggests I stop working before July 16 that is not an option in my mind! I love my job, it keeps me sane and happy!

time to make some lists I think....time to be proactive! :)

Next blog post is going to be about how the kids and I are feeling about going back! Can someone hold me accountable to writing it?

** I just remembered I bought myself an IPAD in preperation to leave, ask me how much I have used that Ipad???
My kids have adopted it as their own!

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