Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Old friends

I thought I should quickly update everyone on "Fred". I am just now at the tail end of this infection, 3 week ago tomorrow is when it got really bad! It has been a really long haul!
The first time the hospital dug out the infection they didn't use freezing and I blogged about that so I don't need to revisit it! I have been back another time for it to be dug out and Evan's mom came with me and demanded freezing....... so much better!
For about 2 weeks I was at the hospital everyday getting the hole in my leg cleaned out which was horrible enough. I still need to keep it bandaged but it is almost healed and we are just changing the dressing at home.

Unfortunately Evan now has a tropical infection in his leg, it is a different strain then mine but also really bad. The hospital drained it this afternoon but they froze it at least! I guess they learnt from the torture they put me through! :) Evan and I are both now on antibiotics...... hopefully our house is clear of infection really soon!

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